9R1. Mesomechanical Constitutive Modeling. Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences Series, Vol 55. - V Kafka (Inst of Theor and Appl Mech, Acad of Sci, Czech Republic). World Sci Publ, Singapore. 2001. 225 pp. ISBN 981-02-4485-1. $58.00.
Reviewed by K Hutter (Dept of Mech, Darmstadt Univ of Tech, Hochschulstr 1, Darmstadt, D-64289, Germany).
This book—a reference source book of the author’s and his associates’ work on homogenization procedures in heterogeneous media—summarizes the author’s research work on the mentioned topic performed during the last 30 years, with emphasis on the more recent work performed in the last 15 years.
After a brief introduction and presentation of notation, Chapter I presents the general mesomechanical model of heterogeneous, statistically homogeneous materials. Basic is Hills 1963-equation stating that the averaged work of the stresses on the strains equals the corresponding work of the averaged stresses and averaged strains from which the Voigt and Reuss...