11R13. Boundary Element Method for Heat Conduction: With Applications in Non-Homogeneous Media. Topics in Engineering, Volume 44. - EA Divo and AJ Kassab (Univ of Central Florida, Orlando FL). WIT Press, Southampton, UK. Distributed in USA by Comput Mech, Billerica MA. 2003. 245 pp. CD-Rom included. ISBN 1-85312-771-X. $138.00.

Reviewed by DP Sekulic (Col of Eng, Univ of Kentucky, 210B CRMS Bldg, Lexington KY 40506-0108).

This interesting work is published by WIT Press as the 44th volume in the series Topics in Engineering edited by CA Brebbia of the Wessex Institute of Technology, and JJ Connor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The aim of the series is to provide a rapid and informal dissemination of significant new work in engineering. This book represents a monograph in the series devoted to an important numerical tool known under the name boundary element method (BEM). The authors are known contributors to...

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