7R13. Virtual Testing of Mechanical Systems: Theories and Techniques. Advances in Engineering, Vol 4. - OI Sivertsen (Norwegian Univ of Sci and Tech, Trondheim, Norway). Swets and Zeitlinger Publ, Lisse, Netherlands. 2001. 189 pp. ISBN 90-265-1811-0. $87.00.

Reviewed by I Andrianov (Inst fur Allgemeine Mechanik, RWTH, Templergraben 64, Aachen, D-52056, Germany).

This textbook is intended for users of the multidisciplinary simulation code FEDEM (see also http://www.fedem.com). Parts of text have been used for some years in a course for first-year graduate students. Knowledge of finite element procedure is needed for understanding of the method presented.

In Chapter 1, the author introduces some definitions and proposes some examples of industrial simulation. Chapter 2 offers a short description of used concepts from matrix algebra, vector calculus, geometric transformations, finite element procedure, Gauss’s elimination method, and eigenvalue problem. Chapter 3 deals with the structural and kinematic modeling aspects of mechanisms, joint and link coordinate systems, super elements, joints, stiffness, masses, transmissions, dempers, and forces.

In Chapter 4, concepts of numerical simulations are presented. It contains descriptions of dynamic simulation, control in mechanism simulation, simulations results, and energy calculations. In Chapter 5, the author describes general ideas of how described algorithms may be used as a design tool. The text in the appendices describes co-rotational geometric stiffness and the cam joint.

Virtual Testing of Mechanical Systems: Theories and Techniques is clearly written and meets the expectations of this reviewer. The figures are clearly drawn and the book has a nice appearance. Although there is no subject index, this reviewer thinks the book will be useful for readers. The book is probably too specialized to justify broad acquisition by libraries, but it is certainly recommended for FEDEM users as introductory course.