This paper introduces a new parallel co-simulation method to study vehicle-track dynamic interactions. The new method uses the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) to enable co-simulation between a detailed in-house track dynamics simulation package and a commercial vehicle system dynamics simulation package. The exchanged information are wheel-rail contact forces and rail kinematics. Then, the message passing interface (MPI) technique is used to enable the model to process track dynamics simulations and vehicle dynamics simulations in parallel. The parallel co-simulation technique has multiple advantages: (1) access to the advantages of both in-house and commercial simulation packages; (2) new model parts can be easily added in as new parallel processes; and (3) saving of computing time. The original track model used in this paper was significantly improved in terms of computing speed. The improved model is now more than ten times faster than the original model. Two simulations were conducted to model a locomotive negotiating a section of track with and without unsupported sleepers. The results show that the vertical rail deflections, wheel-rail contact forces and vehicle suspension forces are evidently larger when unsupported sleepers are present. The simulations have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed parallel co-simulation method for vehicle-track dynamic interaction studies.
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April 2018
Parallel Co-Simulation Method for Railway Vehicle-Track Dynamics
Qing Wu,
Qing Wu
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Yan Sun,
Yan Sun
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
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Maksym Spiryagin,
Maksym Spiryagin
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Colin Cole
Colin Cole
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Qing Wu
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Yan Sun
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Maksym Spiryagin
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Colin Cole
Centre for Railway Engineering,
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton QLD4701, Australia;
Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation,
Canberra ACT2608, Australia
Contributed by the Design Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. Manuscript received October 22, 2017; final manuscript received January 29, 2018; published online February 26, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Xiaobo Yang.
J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. Apr 2018, 13(4): 041004 (9 pages)
Published Online: February 26, 2018
Article history
October 22, 2017
January 29, 2018
Wu, Q., Sun, Y., Spiryagin, M., and Cole, C. (February 26, 2018). "Parallel Co-Simulation Method for Railway Vehicle-Track Dynamics." ASME. J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. April 2018; 13(4): 041004.
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