This paper addresses discrete-time, repetitive control for linear, periodic, time-varying systems. A periodic, repetitive control design method based on gain scheduling is proposed and the necessary and sufficient condition for closed-loop stability is presented. Utilizing the special structure of the repetitive controller, an efficient method for evaluating the closed-loop stability is developed. The algorithm is applied to the control of a piezoelectric fast-tool stage for variable spindle speed noncircular turning process. The tool performs dynamic variable depth of cut machining to generate noncircular workpiece profiles while the spindle carrying the workpiece rotates at a variable speed to inhibit machining instability (chatter). Experimental machining results are presented that demostrate the tracking performance of the period, time-varying controller design proposed, as well as the ability to increase machining stability using this approach. [S0022-0434(00)02402-3]
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September 2000
Technical Papers
Periodic Sampling Interval Repetitive Control and Its Application to Variable Spindle Speed Noncircular Turning Process
Reed D. Hanson,
Reed D. Hanson
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
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Tsu-Chin Tsao
Tsu-Chin Tsao
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597
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Reed D. Hanson
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
Tsu-Chin Tsao
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL. Manuscript received by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division June 1, 1998. Associate Technical Editor: T. Kurfess.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Sep 2000, 122(3): 560-566 (7 pages)
Published Online: June 1, 1998
Article history
June 1, 1998
Hanson, R. D., and Tsao, T. (June 1, 1998). "Periodic Sampling Interval Repetitive Control and Its Application to Variable Spindle Speed Noncircular Turning Process ." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. September 2000; 122(3): 560–566.
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