The authors have been conducting studies on the reduction of exhaust emissions using a high-speed diesel engine. By applying composite countermeasures consisting of five items: (1) timing retard, (2) optimization of fuel injection system, (3) water-in-oil type emulsified fuel, (4) application of ignition improver, and (5) an increase in airflow quantity, an exhaust NOx level less than half of the original was attained while retaining the original low levels of fuel consumption, smoke density, and engine noise. The authors developed new measuring instruments in order to grasp the true nature of combustion, especially to clarify the delicate change in combustion. By using these instruments, the combustion phenomena were analyzed accurately, speedily, and synthetically on various aspects such as combustion mode, vibration, noise, thermal loading, heat balance, etc. The complicated combustion behavior in the cylinder has been clarified in part by simultaneous measurement of cylinder pressure at several points.
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July 1988
Research Papers
Studies on Combustion, Vibration, and Noise in High-Speed Diesel Engines Through Newly Developed Measuring Instruments
S. Izumi,
S. Izumi
Engine Division, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Tokyo 100, Japan
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M. Takemi,
M. Takemi
Engine Design Division, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Sagamihara 229, Japan
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M. Ishida,
M. Ishida
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852, Japan
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H. Suetsugu,
H. Suetsugu
Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Nagasaki 851-01, Japan
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T. Maeda,
T. Maeda
Product Engineering Dept., Ono Sokki Co., Ltd., Tokyo 146, Japan
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Y. Yoshimura
Y. Yoshimura
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852, Japan
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S. Izumi
Engine Division, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Tokyo 100, Japan
M. Takemi
Engine Design Division, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Sagamihara 229, Japan
M. Ishida
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852, Japan
H. Suetsugu
Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Nagasaki 851-01, Japan
T. Maeda
Product Engineering Dept., Ono Sokki Co., Ltd., Tokyo 146, Japan
Y. Yoshimura
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852, Japan
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jul 1988, 110(3): 377-384 (8 pages)
Published Online: July 1, 1988
Article history
September 25, 1987
October 15, 2009
Izumi, S., Takemi, M., Ishida, M., Suetsugu, H., Maeda, T., and Yoshimura, Y. (July 1, 1988). "Studies on Combustion, Vibration, and Noise in High-Speed Diesel Engines Through Newly Developed Measuring Instruments." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. July 1988; 110(3): 377–384.
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