The present study is focussed on the oxidation behavior of nonoxide silicon-based ceramics. Various and SiC ceramics were examined after long term oxidation tests (up to 5000 h) at 1500°C in ambient air. The damage mechanisms were discussed on the basis of a comprehensive chemical and microstructural analysis of the materials after the oxidation tests. The diffusion of oxygen into the material and its further reaction in the bulk of the material were found to be the most critical factors during long term oxidation treatment at elevated temperatures. However, the resulting damage in the microstructure of the materials can be significantly reduced by purposeful microstructural engineering. Using and composite materials provides the possibility to improve the high temperature stability. [S0742-4795(00)00301-X]
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January 2000
Technical Papers
High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Silicon-Based Non-Oxide Ceramics
H. Klemm,
H. Klemm
Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Winterbergstrasse 28, Dresden, FRG D-01277
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M. Herrmann,
M. Herrmann
Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Winterbergstrasse 28, Dresden, FRG D-01277
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C. Schubert
C. Schubert
Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Winterbergstrasse 28, Dresden, FRG D-01277
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H. Klemm
Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Winterbergstrasse 28, Dresden, FRG D-01277
M. Herrmann
Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Winterbergstrasse 28, Dresden, FRG D-01277
C. Schubert
Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Winterbergstrasse 28, Dresden, FRG D-01277
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Paper presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2–5, 1998; ASME Paper 98-GT-480. Manuscript received by IGTI March 25, 1998; final revision received by the ASME Headquarters October 20, 1999. Associate Technical Editor: R. Kielb.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jan 2000, 122(1): 13-18 (6 pages)
Published Online: October 20, 1999
Article history
March 25, 1998
October 20, 1999
Klemm , H., Herrmann , M., and Schubert, C. (October 20, 1999). "High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Silicon-Based Non-Oxide Ceramics ." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. January 2000; 122(1): 13–18.
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