The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of re-entrant bowl geometry on both engine performance and combustion efficiency in a direct injection (DI), turbocharged diesel engine for heavy-duty applications. The piston bowl design is one of the most important factors that affect the air–fuel mixing and the subsequent combustion and pollutant formation processes in a DI diesel engine. The bowl geometry and dimensions, such as the pip region, bowl lip area, and toroidal radius, are all known to have an effect on the in-cylinder mixing and combustion processes. Based on the idea of enhancing diffusion combustion at the later stage of the combustion period, three different bowl geometries, namely, bowl 1 (baseline), bowl 2, and bowl 3 were selected and investigated. All the other relevant parameters, namely, compression ratio, maximum diameter of the bowl, squish clearance and injection rate were kept constant. A commercial CFD code STAR-CD was used to model the in-cylinder flows and combustion process, and experimental results of the baseline bowl were used to validate the numerical model. The simulation results show that, bowl 3 enhance the turbulence and hence results in better air-fuel mixing among all three bowls in a DI diesel engine. As a result, the indicated specific fuel consumption and soot emission reduced although the emission is increased owing to better mixing and a faster combustion process. Globally, since the reduction in soot is larger ( as regards baseline) than the increase in ( as regards baseline), it can be concluded that bowl 3 is the best trade-off between performance and emissions.
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December 2010
Research Papers
Effects of the Re-Entrant Bowl Geometry on a DI Turbocharged Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions—A CFD Approach
S. Pasupathy Venkateswaran,
S. Pasupathy Venkateswaran
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Anna University Chennai
, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600 025, India
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G. Nagarajan
G. Nagarajan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Anna University Chennai
, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600 025, India
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S. Pasupathy Venkateswaran
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Anna University Chennai
, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600 025, Indiae-mail:
G. Nagarajan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Anna University Chennai
, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600 025, Indiae-mail:
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Dec 2010, 132(12): 122803 (10 pages)
Published Online: August 30, 2010
Article history
June 11, 2009
February 10, 2010
August 30, 2010
August 30, 2010
Venkateswaran, S. P., and Nagarajan, G. (August 30, 2010). "Effects of the Re-Entrant Bowl Geometry on a DI Turbocharged Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions—A CFD Approach." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. December 2010; 132(12): 122803.
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