The modeling of recirculation patterns in air-cooled data centers is of interest to ensure adequate thermal management of computer racks at increased heat densities. Most metrics that describe recirculation are based exclusively on temperature inside the data center, and therefore fail to provide adequate information regarding the energy efficiency of the thermal infrastructure. This paper addresses this limitation through an exergy analysis of the data center thermal management system. The approach recognizes that the mixing of hot and cold streams in the data center airspace is an irreversible process and must therefore lead to a loss of exergy. Experimental validation in a test data center confirms that such an exergy-based characterization in the cold aisle reflects the same recirculation trends as suggested by traditional temperature-based metrics. Further, by extending the exergy-based model to include irreversibilities from other components of the thermal architecture, it becomes possible to quantify the amount of available energy supplied to the cooling system that is being utilized for thermal management purposes. The energy efficiency of the entire data center cooling system can then be collapsed into the single metric of net exergy loss. When evaluated against a ground state of the external ambience, this metric enables an estimate of how much of the energy emitted into the environment could potentially be harnessed in the form of useful work. Thus, this paper successfully demonstrates that the proposed exergy-based approach can provide a foundation upon which the data center cooling system can be simultaneously evaluated for thermal manageability and energy efficiency.
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Exergy Analysis of Data Center Thermal Management Systems
Amip J. Shah,
Amip J. Shah
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California
, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740
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Van P. Carey,
Van P. Carey
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California
, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740
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Cullen E. Bash,
Cullen E. Bash
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
, 1501 Page Mill Road, M/S 1183, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126
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Chandrakant D. Patel
Chandrakant D. Patel
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
, 1501 Page Mill Road, M/S 1183, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126
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Amip J. Shah
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California
, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740e-mail:
Van P. Carey
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California
, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740e-mail:
Cullen E. Bash
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
, 1501 Page Mill Road, M/S 1183, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126e-mail:
Chandrakant D. Patel
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
, 1501 Page Mill Road, M/S 1183, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126e-mail:
J. Heat Transfer. Feb 2008, 130(2): 021401 (10 pages)
Published Online: February 4, 2008
Article history
July 10, 2006
May 25, 2007
February 4, 2008
Shah, A. J., Carey, V. P., Bash, C. E., and Patel, C. D. (February 4, 2008). "Exergy Analysis of Data Center Thermal Management Systems." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. February 2008; 130(2): 021401.
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