Superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) wires and bars are studied to determine their damping and recentering capability for applications in the structural control of buildings subjected to earthquake loadings. These studies improve the knowledge base in regard to the use of SMAs in seismic design and retrofit of structures. The results show that the damping properties of austenitic SMAs are generally low. However, the residual strain obtained after loading to 6% strain is typically . In general, it is shown that large diameters bars perform as well as wire specimens used in non-civil-engineering applications. The results of a small-scale shake table test are then presented as a proof of concept study of a SMA cross-bracing system. These results are verified through analytical nonlinear time history analysis. Finally, a three-story steel frame implementing either a traditional steel buckling-allowed bracing system or a SMA bracing system is analyzed analytically to determine if there is an advantage to using a SMA bracing system. The results show that the SMA braces improve the response of the braced frames.
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July 2006
Special Section On Damping Of Shape Memory Alloys, Composites, And Foams
Seismic Vibration Control Using Superelastic Shape Memory Alloys
Jason McCormick,
Jason McCormick
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
, 790 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0355
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Reginald DesRoches,
Reginald DesRoches
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
, 790 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0355
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Davide Fugazza,
Davide Fugazza
European School for Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE School), and Dipartimento di Meccanica Strutturale,
Universita degli Studi di Pavia
, Pavia, Italy
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Ferdinando Auricchio
Ferdinando Auricchio
European School for Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE School), and Dipartimento di Meccanica Strutturale,
Universita degli Studi di Pavia
, Pavia, Italy
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Jason McCormick
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
, 790 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0355e-mail:
Reginald DesRoches
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
, 790 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0355e-mail:
Davide Fugazza
European School for Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE School), and Dipartimento di Meccanica Strutturale,
Universita degli Studi di Pavia
, Pavia, Italye-mail:
Ferdinando Auricchio
European School for Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE School), and Dipartimento di Meccanica Strutturale,
Universita degli Studi di Pavia
, Pavia, Italye-mail:
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Jul 2006, 128(3): 294-301 (8 pages)
Published Online: April 3, 2006
Article history
August 31, 2005
April 3, 2006
McCormick, J., DesRoches, R., Fugazza, D., and Auricchio, F. (April 3, 2006). "Seismic Vibration Control Using Superelastic Shape Memory Alloys." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. July 2006; 128(3): 294–301.
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