With this issue, I am pleased to announce that the Journal of Mechanical Design (JMD) has reached the 200th issue! Clearly, this would not have been possible without the contributions and support of numerous people including the Journal’s editors, associate editors, guest editors, reviewers, readers, and support staff.

The Journal started in 1978 by the Design Engineering Division and up until 2003 was published quarterly. As the number of submissions and backlogs increased JMD moved to bimonthly publication during 2004–2006 and beginning in 2007 to monthly publication. JMD is now considered a premier journal in the area of mechanical design and has received submissions from more than 80 countries worldwide. Examples of current topics covered in JMD (see www.asmejmd.org) are design automation, design of direct contact systems, design education, design of energy, fluid, and power systems, design of mechanisms and robotics, design for manufacture and life cycle, and design...

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