This article discusses Linux which is an emerging technology that will affect many mechanical engineers. Linux is a freely distributed, open-source Unix-like operating system, originally for PCs, but now available on other platforms. The Internet facilitated the collaborative effort that produced Linux—and so it is not surprising that the explosive growth of the Internet was also made possible by Linux. Linux would be a fantastic operating system for building automation systems and direct digital controls. One area where Linux really shines is Local Area Networking, using a program called Samba (which is included in almost all Linux distributions). The technical support for Linux is very good. Chances are very good that no matter where you are, there is a local Linux users group nearby where you can turn for help. These groups often have mailing lists that you can subscribe to, and post queries. Linux resources on the Internet are outstanding. Local users groups will occasionally have “install fests,” where you can get help installing Linux on your PC.

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