A series of seismic tests of mechanical snubbers on a full-scale model piping system provided a unique opportunity for detailed scrutiny of snubber seismic behavior on an actual piping system. The observed snubber behavior is a complicated pattern of braking and releasing, drag and drift, and the dynamic characteristics of the snubber, as well as the input motion, play a role in the response of the snubber. The snubbers were effective in limiting pipe displacements. Relative accelerations across the snubber were larger than expected. Snubber hysteretic behavior was irregular. Results from this testing are important in understanding snubber behavior, evaluating snubber performance, and in assessing alternatives to snubbers.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
Bush, S. H., Heasler, P. G., and Dodge, R. E., 1982, “Aging and Service Wear of Hydraulic and Mechanical Snubbers Used on Safety-Related Piping and Components of Nuclear Power Plants. Phase I: Study,” NUREG/CR-4279, PNL-5479, Vol. 1, RM, RV, U.S. NRC.
Flade, D., Jehlicka, P., Kot, A., Malcher, L., Schrammel, D., and Steinhilber, H., 1988, “HDR-Sichereitsprogramm, Earthquake Experiments in the Reactor Building, Quick Look Report, SHAG Experiments, Kernforschungszentrum Karsruhe Technical Report 71 E-87.
Godden, W. G., Schneider, S., and Lee, H. M., 1982, “Experimental Behavior of a Spatial Piping System with Shock Arrestors and Energy Absorbers Under Seismic Excitation (Preliminary Test Results),” Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Howard, G. E., Walton, W. B., and Johnson, B. A., 1985, “High-Amplitude Dynamic Tests of Prototypical Nuclear Piping Systems,” Report No. EPRI NP-3916, Research Project 964-9, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA.
Kelly, J. M., Cowell, A. D., and Schweizerhof, K., 1987, “Experimental Studies of Multi-Support Seismic Loading on Piping Systems,” Electric Power Research Institute Report EPRI N-4865.
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Nims, D. K., and Kelly, J. M., 1991, “The Effect of Alternate Support Systems for Seismic Restraint on Piping Behavior,” ASME PVP-Vol. 220, pp. 223–230.
D. K.
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, pp. 467
Pacific Scientific, 1981, “Mechanical Shock Arrestors,” Catalog No. PSA-4, Pacific Scientific Kin-Tech Division, Anaheim, CA.
Schrammel, D., Steinhilber, H., and Malcher, L., 1988, “HDR-Sichereitsprogramm, Servohydraulische Anregung Maschinentechnik, Quick Look Report, Versuchsgruppe: SHAM,” Kernforschungszentrum Karsruhe Techn. Fachbericht PHDR 86-88, (in German with an English summary).
Schrammel, D., and Steinhilber, H., 1990, “HDR-Sichereitsprogramm, Strukturdynamische Untersuchungen am HDR Erdbebenversuche bei hohem Anregungsniveau fur ein Rohrleitungssystem mit verschiedenen Halterungskonzepten, Auswertebericht, Versuchsgruppe: SHAM,” Versuche: T41.10.1 bis T41.81.3, Kernforschungszentrum Karsruhe, Techn. Fachbericht PHDR 96-90, Sept., (in German with an English summary).
Schneider, S., Lee, H. M., and Godden, W. G., 1982, “Behavior of a Piping System Under Seismic Excitation,” Report No. UCB/EERC-82/03, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Steele, R. Jr., and Arendts, J. G., 1989, “SHAG Test Series, Seismic Research on an Aged United States Gate Valve and on a piping System in the Decommissioned Heissdampfreaktor (HDR): Summary and Appendices,” NUREG/CR-4977, EGG-2505, Vols. 1 and 2, U.S.N.R.C.
Stiemer, S. F., Godden, W. G., and Kelly, J. M., 1981, “Experimental Behavior of a Spatial Piping System with Steel Energy Absorbers Subjected to a Simulated Differential Seismic Input,” Report. No. UCB/EERC-81/09, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
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