Probabilistic fatigue models are required to account conveniently for the several sources of uncertainty arising in the prediction procedures, such as the scatter in material behavior. In this paper, a recently proposed stress-based probabilistic model is assessed using fatigue data available for the P355NL1 steel (a pressure vessel steel). The referred probabilistic model is a log-Gumbel regression model, able to predict the probabilistic Wöhler field (P–S–N field), taking into account the mean stress (or stress R-ratio) effects. The parameters of the probabilistic model are identified using stress-life data derived for the P355NL1 steel, from smooth specimens, for three distinct stress R-ratios, namely R = −1, R = −0.5, and R = 0. The model requires a minimum of two test series with distinct stress R-ratios. Since data from three test series is available, extrapolations are performed to test the adequacy of the model to make extrapolations for stress R-ratios other than those used in the model parameters assessment. Finally, the probabilistic model is used to model the fatigue behavior of a notched plate made of P355NL1 steel. In particular, the P–S–N field of the plate is modeled and compared with available experimental data. Cyclic elastoplastic analysis of the plate is performed since plasticity at the notch root is developed. The probabilistic model correlated appropriately the stress-life data available for the P355NL1 steel and was able to perform extrapolations for stress ratios other than those used in the model identification. The P–S–N field identified using data from smooth specimens led to consistent predictions of the P–S–N field for a notched plate, demonstrating the adequacy of the probabilistic model also to predict the probabilistic Wöhler field for notched components.
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April 2012
Research Papers
Probabilistic Fatigue Assessment of a Notched Detail Taking Into Account Mean Stress Effects
Abílio M. P. De Jesus,
Abílio M. P. De Jesus
Engineering Department, School of Sciences and Technology,
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
, Quinta de Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Search for other works by this author on:
M. Luisa Ruiz Ripoll,
M. Luisa Ruiz Ripoll
Lifetime Concepts, Thermomechanics,
Business Unit Component Safety, Fraunhofer Institut—IWM
, Woehlerstr. 11, 79108 Freiburg, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
Alfonso Fernández-Canteli,
Alfonso Fernández-Canteli
Department of Construction and Manufacturing Engineering,
University of Oviedo
, Campus Viesques, 33203 Gijón, Spain
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Enrique Castillo,
Enrique Castillo
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences,
University of Cantabria
, 39005 Santander, Spain
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Hélder F. S. G. Pereira
Hélder F. S. G. Pereira
UCVE, IDMEC—Pólo FEUP, Campus FEUP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 404, 4200-465
Porto, Portugal
Search for other works by this author on:
Abílio M. P. De Jesus
Engineering Department, School of Sciences and Technology,
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
, Quinta de Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
M. Luisa Ruiz Ripoll
Lifetime Concepts, Thermomechanics,
Business Unit Component Safety, Fraunhofer Institut—IWM
, Woehlerstr. 11, 79108 Freiburg, Germany
Alfonso Fernández-Canteli
Department of Construction and Manufacturing Engineering,
University of Oviedo
, Campus Viesques, 33203 Gijón, Spain
Enrique Castillo
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences,
University of Cantabria
, 39005 Santander, Spain
Hélder F. S. G. Pereira
UCVE, IDMEC—Pólo FEUP, Campus FEUP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 404, 4200-465
Porto, Portugal
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Apr 2012, 134(2): 021203 (9 pages)
Published Online: January 13, 2012
Article history
December 12, 2010
October 14, 2011
January 13, 2012
January 13, 2012
De Jesus, A. M. P., Luisa Ruiz Ripoll, M., Fernández-Canteli, A., Castillo, E., and Pereira, H. F. S. G. (January 13, 2012). "Probabilistic Fatigue Assessment of a Notched Detail Taking Into Account Mean Stress Effects." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. April 2012; 134(2): 021203.
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