Fracture behavior of a high-pressure vessel for food processing under monotonic and fatigue loadings was investigated by conducting both experiments and finite element analysis (FEA) based on abaqus and zencrack software. Finite element analysis results showed that cracks nucleated at the filets of pin-hole and propagated faster near the inner surface than near the outer surface of the pressure vessel, progressively deflected, and eventually coalesced with other cracks initiated from the counter pin hole under monotonic loading. Such crack growth behavior coincided with the experimental result of hydraulic pressurizing test. Based on fatigue crack growth test of the pressure vessel material, 17-4PH stainless steel, a new equation to express the curves including threshold region, has been proposed and embedded into the zencrack software to simulate the fatigue behavior of the pressure vessel. The simulation results showed that fatigue lives could be accurately estimated including low pressure range. The present simulation methods would be the useful design tool for pressure vessel under monotonic and cyclic loadings.
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August 2018
Fracture Behavior Simulation of a High-Pressure Vessel Under Monotonic and Fatigue Loadings
Defu Nie,
Defu Nie
Hefei General Machinery Research Institute,
Hefei 230031, China;
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Hefei 230031, China;
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Yuichi Otsuka,
Yuichi Otsuka
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka
,Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
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Yoshiharu Mutoh
Yoshiharu Mutoh
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka
,Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Defu Nie
Hefei General Machinery Research Institute,
Hefei 230031, China;
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Hefei 230031, China;
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Yuichi Otsuka
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka
,Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Yoshiharu Mutoh
Department of System Safety,
Nagaoka University of Technology,
Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
Nagaoka University of Technology,
1603-1 Kamitomioka
,Nagaoka-shi 940-2188, Japan
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received December 10, 2017; final manuscript received May 8, 2018; published online June 18, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Oreste S. Bursi.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Aug 2018, 140(4): 041407 (7 pages)
Published Online: June 18, 2018
Article history
December 10, 2017
May 8, 2018
Nie, D., Otsuka, Y., and Mutoh, Y. (June 18, 2018). "Fracture Behavior Simulation of a High-Pressure Vessel Under Monotonic and Fatigue Loadings." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. August 2018; 140(4): 041407.
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